Why Electric Vehicles Matter 


Total life cycle emissions (including battery manufacturing) are substantially lower for EVs than traditional internal combustion engine vehicles - particularly during the useful life phase - as they produce zero tailpipe emissions and are quieter on the roads. While our air quality is improving, we still need to be mindful of our ozone and particulate pollution, such as nitrogen oxides.  Baltimore is committed to a clean, healthy environment for our residents and visitors, especially our most vulnerable populations.  Transitioning to alternative forms of fuel and transportation is critical to this commitment.  


Public Health 

As the city and other local agencies incorporate low- or no-emission vehicles into our fleets and transit systems, along with the growing adoption by consumers, Baltimore’s entire community will benefit from improved air quality.  



An electric vehicle in Maryland costs less to charge up per “e-gallon” compared to the cost of fueling up with one gallon of gas. With fewer moving parts, electric vehicles also incur lower maintenance costs.   


Workforce Development 

Analyses have demonstrated that EV adoption can result in up to 25 new jobs in the local economy for every 1,000 EVs on the road. The transition to electric mobility also provides opportunities to add new high-quality jobs in the industry directly, from vehicle manufacturing and maintenance to EV charging installation. For every $1 billion spent on charging infrastructure, analysts estimate 10,000–15,000 jobs will be created.  


Resilience and Emergency Preparedness 

EVs also have the potential to play an important role in grid stabilization, such as by offloading stored energy back to a home or the grid during peak demand times. They can also provide emergency power during blackouts caused by weather or other disruptive events.