On-Street Parking includes all parking that is found on the street. This includes:
Signs like this make it easier for residents to find parking close to their homes. They are found in many neighborhoods close to places that attract parkers from outside the area, like hospitals, universities, restaurants, and bars.
Valet Regulations provide businesses and patrons with Baltimore City Valet Operator Licenses and Valet Parking Zone Permits to conduct valet services on City right-of-way.
People with permanent, mobility-restricting disabilities who live within Baltimore City should inquire about their eligibility.
Parking meters help businesses by creating available parking spaces for their customers. We have multi-space and single-space parking meters. Meters differ in their price per hour, time limits, and hours of operation. Some blocks are cheaper than others. Walk a block, save a buck (or more)!
The Official Business Permit (OBP) is granted to local government agencies and their agents. These permits provide access to metered parking for Baltimore City agency employees and their agents while conducting City business.
We manage other parking regulations including loading, no-stopping, and bus parking zones.