You'll find parking meters throughout Baltimore City. Most are multi-space parking meters. Where not practical, single-space parking meters remain. The rates and hours of operation differ depending on the neighborhood and the demand for parking. In many areas, we use a demand-based parking meter rate-setting method to create one or two available parking spaces on each block. Rates in these areas are posted to attract drivers to park on less expensive blocks nearby, spreading out demand to meet our goal of one or two available parking spaces per block (15-25% availability or 75-85% occupancy). Start and end times may also differ depending on when businesses in the area are open.
Baltimore has three mobile payment vendors and one text-to-pay vendor at the JFA Lot. More locations are coming soon!
Later Start and End Times
New hours starting April 7, 2023
You may request a receipt up to 90 days after the date of the transaction.
Request Flowbird Meter Receipt
The Parking Authority has replaced Baltimore's old Pay and Display meters with Pay by License Plate meters using two vendors - IPS and Flowbird. With these new meters, you do not need to return to your car to display the receipt on your dash to avoid getting a ticket. Instead, you enter your license plate number, pay for the amount of time you'd like to park on that block and go to your destination.
A total of 830 pay-by-plate meters have been installed. They still accept coins, credit, and debit cards. Parking duration limits and hours of operation have not changed.
Parkers who move their cars to another block are required to pay for another session at the parking meter on that block and must follow all posted parking restrictions.
Take our survey about the new parking meters.
These new Pay by License Plate meters wirelessly send the license plate number with the parking time purchased to Parking Enforcement, a division within the Baltimore City Department of Transportation.
Download Download the Directions on how to operate the meter.
In locations where these new meters are installed, parkers will no longer have to return to their vehicle to place a printed receipt on their dashboard. Parkers enter their license plate number, pay for the time they would like to park using coins or a credit card, and walk away. There is no need to return to your vehicle.
The new meters also make it easier for motorcycle riders, who have a difficult time displaying their paper receipts; and people with disabilities who will not have to return to their vehicle once they’ve paid.
The new parking meters will still accept coins and credit cards. Hours of operation and hourly rates are not affected by the new parking meters.
Complete this form to request a parking meter.
Download a list of the Frequently Asked Questions.
Go to the Demand-Based Parking Meter Rate Setting webpage..
Go to Parking Authority Blog to learn more.
You don’t have to pay the parking meters on the following days because most businesses are closed:
But not every single space parking meter can be replaced with a multi-space EZ Park Meter. Some blocks have just two or three meters or there isn't enough curb space to place an EZ Park Meter.
Early in 2014, hundreds of new single-space parking meters that accept credit cards, as well as coins, replaced many of the old parking meters throughout Baltimore. Now, drivers can park in these areas with the same ease and convenience they have grown to enjoy since the debut of EZ Park Meters in 2004.
Problems with single-space meters can be reported by calling (410) 396-1881.
Project SPACE launched in Phase 1 of Baltimore City on July 10, 2014. We continue to add more areas to Project SPACE. There you will find maps of the areas where this program is in effect. Station North and Midtown launched on July 23, 2018.
Project SPACE does four things:
Learn more about Project SPACE.
If your disability tag/plate is displayed and you are parking outside of Phase 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 boundaries, you are entitled to park at an on-street parking meter for double the meter duration limit (not to exceed four hours) without payment.
For example: if the parking meter’s duration limit is one hour, you may park for two hours; if the meter duration limit is two hours, you may park for four hours; if the meter duration limit is four hours, you may only park for four hours.
We do not issue parking tickets nor do we adjudicate them. Please call the Bureau of Treasury Management/Collections at (410) 396-4080.
We do not issue parking tickets nor do we collect parking ticket fines. Please call the Bureau of Treasury Management/Collections at (410) 396-4080.
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